NovaJeepers Membership Information

  • Forum Users:
    • This is FREE to join. You need only register to be able to post in the forums. Members Only Forums are not accessible to Forum Users.
    • Forum Users are registered users of the Public Bulletin Board.
    • They are permitted to participate in Public Events and non-Members Only Trail Rides.
    • Forum Users agree to abide by the Forum Rules and the sanctions for not doing so.
  • Club Membership:
    • Individual or Family plans available
    • Have access to all Official Member Only forums which include: Members General Discussion, Club Events Volunteer Area, NOVA Jeepers Vendors, Club Questions Comments & Concerns, Member Only Rides, Ballot Box, and Meeting Minutes (Note: Member’s Only forums subject to change)
    • Receive discounts from our Club Sponsors 
    • Participate in Members Only events, trail rides and raffles
    • Rights to setup trail rides on the forum, run for club office, and vote in officer elections
    • Ability to upload photos direct to the forum using built in tools of the software.
    • Receive a Membership kit including two (2) round Novajeepers logo decals and a membership ID card.
    • Able to run for a club office after holding a membership for 1 year in good standing.
    • Members agree to abide by the Forum Rules and the sanctions for not doing so.
  •  Types of Membership
    • Individual Membership: Costs $30.00 paid annually, and requires you to fill out and submit, the membership application. The membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.
    • Family Membership: Costs $50.00 paid annually for one additional immediate family member. The membership runs from January 1st to December 31st. Family Memberships can be beneficial if both need member rights for voting, raffle drawings, running for club office, etc.
  • Dues are pro-rated depending on which half of the year you join:
    • January 1st – June 30th will be required to pay the full $30.00 for individual or $50.00 for family (100% of annual dues).
    • July 1st – December 31st will be required to pay $15.00 for individual or $25.00 for family (50% of annual dues).
    • The payment may be made in 1 of 3 ways:
      1. Cash, given to any of the Club Officers.
      2. Personal Check made out to Northern Virginia Jeepers Association (or NOVA Jeepers), given to an Officer or sent with the application form(s) to the P.O. Box [Northern Virginia Jeepers Association, PO Box 606, Stephens City, VA 22655-9998].
      3. Credit Card using PayPal to the address

NovaJeepers Membership Form - 2024

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Membership Type
Make sure this matches your forum username EXACTLY. If you don't have a forum username, please register one first, then complete this form.Otherwise your membership status will not automatically be applied
Jeep Model Code (TJ, ZJ, FC, etc.)
If model not listed, please specify
Jeep Condition & Insurance
I agree to keep my vehicle(s) in a safe driving, and operating condition as required for the state in which it is registered. I shall have the minimum state requirement for coverage of insurance for each vehicle I own, and that I intend to use at Club events.
Membership Code
As a member of the Northern Virginia Jeepers Association (NOVA Jeepers), I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Membership Code of Responsibilities. The Member Code of Responsibilities are located in section 1.6 of the Northern Virginia Jeepers Association Bylaws.
Forum Rules
As a member of the Northern Virginia Jeepers Association (NOVA Jeepers), I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Forum Rules.
Other Association Club Affiliations
Novajeepers is a member club of Virginia 4WD Association (VA4WD). Novajeepers members may elect to opt into VA4WD when they annually register with Novajeepers. Novajeepers will send in your dues and process membership with VA4WD as a part of the member club registration process. VA4WD is affiliated with the Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), members may additionally choose to opt into this affiliation at the time of registration. By selecting either option you agree to the additional fees and acknowledge that you understand the benefits and requirements pertaining to these memberships as outlined on the Novajeepers forum. On the forum your membership image will display additional badges for each affiliation.
4wd Hardware Discount Program
I wish to enroll in the 4WD Hardware ( NOVA Jeepers club discount. I consent to my contact information being sent to 4WD Hardware as part of the enrollment into the program.
Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement
For consideration, including permission to voluntarily participate in any event sponsored, promoted, or directed by the Northern Virginia Jeepers Association (NOVA Jeepers). And intending to be legally bound, the undersigned, for himself/herself, his/her personal representatives, heirs, assigns, and next of kin: Hereby releases Northern Virginia Jeepers Association, its officers, members, trail guides, sponsors of NOVA Jeepers, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the events of all liability for any harm or damage however caused including any act or omission, directly or indirectly the result of any event. It is understood and accepted by each of the undersigned that there is inherit risk associated with all events, including but not limited to bodily injury, and vehicle damage, that is assumed by each participant. In addition, the undersigned, his/her personal representatives, heirs, assigns, and next of kin understand that while attending some events, the chance of being photographed is possible, and that agrees any/all photographs taken by the club officers or their designees can be used for purposes to promote the organization and its events. In signing this Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement, each of the undersigned hereby acknowledges and represents that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to the Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement in its entirety, and each signature is voluntary.